Viva victoria

After buying a new bike on Saturday I’ve had to wait until today to collect it and give it a proper ride.  More than an hour talking to at insurance companies broke my will to fight on.  There was also the issue of the bike not being taxed and I would need to get insurance before I could sort that out.

My Monday work time coffee break was spent on the phone to an insurance company, we more so, I was on the phone for  half an hour.  Lunch time was spent in the Post Office.  My project manager was really nice and was ok with me leaving early.

A tube and train journey later and I was finally in West Croydon to pick up my bike.  Was it really as good as I remember?  The short answer was, yes.  I think it is a great bike for the money, a 1992 Yamaha TDM850, but really well looked after.  Everybody had been saying take it really easy and I was.  A few times I did open her up and it is so nice to be on a big bike again.

In celebration of my new bike, passing my test and my new job, I christen this bike Victoria.

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4 Responses

  1. A truly great bike mate and I’m really pleased for you.

    Purchased just at the right time – enjoy!

    Keep it upright!

  2. Once he’s ridden it! If he gets to ride Viki, I want to ride his 675, only seems fair. When do I get a go on your Bandit?

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